Troy's Appeal

Troy needs a Foster Home or Rescue Space

Image: TroyPlease meet Troy, a gorgeous German Shepherd Cross who has now come into the care of Rochdale Dog Rescue from a dog pound where he was facing being put to sleep.

When Troy arrived at our kennels he was terrifed. He has been to the vets for a checkover as we were initally worried his depressed state could be due to an underlying condition or illness. The vets advised he was one of the most scared and shut down dogs they had seen.

Image: Quato We don't know how long Troy had been on the streets before being picked up as a stray, nor what has made him such a nervous and scared lad - but we do know that we can begin teaching him to trust again and that those days are behind him .

We knew Troy needed to be in a home environment and he initially went into a foster home. He did start to flourish in the environment but sadly had to come back into care as he was grumbly and also was starting to become dominant with the resident dog

Image: TroyWith much sadness from his foster family Troy has had to come back into kennels - we have a wonderful team at our emergency boarding but I think you will agree that kennels is no place for a dog like Troy and he is already starting to show distress at being back. His wellbeing and condition would really improve if he was in a nice loving home again with a kind foster family who could show him the ropes and that there is no longer anything to fear...

Image: Troy We would also be happy for Troy to go into the care of one of the special rescues we work with who would be able to place him with one of their foster carers.

Because of his nervousness we feel that a foster home with teenaged children would be best. As Troy is a special lad who needs lots of love and attention we also would like to find a foster or permanent home where he would not be left for long periods as he can be a little insecure (and also doesn't like the dark).

Troy is very shortly moving to a lovely rescue in Leicestershire.. he will still be looking for a new home and if you are interested in finding out more please contact us for the details. Contact Us.

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