RDR Lifeline

A gift with a difference!

Welcome to RDR Lifeline, our new fundraising section with a difference! RDR Lifeline has a range of gifts which help us raise funds for emergency boarding, vets fees, transportation and one off costs.

Each week, we shall show a list of presents available via our RDR Lifeline Forum..

Image: Elsie

Some of the gifts are unlimited and others are a single gift that helps with a particular bill, such as the vets bill for Zookies Tail Amputation.

Some of the gifts include:-

Emergency board a dog for a day - £5 (unlimited)

Treats for dogs in emergency boarding - £5 (unlimited)

Petrol for an emergency trip - £10 (unlimited)

Petrol for an emergency trip - £25 (unlimited)

Emergency boarding for one dog for one week - £35 (unlimited)

Emergency boarding for one dog for one month - £150 (unlimited)

A fantastic donation for the vet's bill pot - £250 (unlimited) Number sold on this list -

A fantastic donation towards the petrol pot - £250 (unlimited) Number sold on this list -

A fantastic donation towards the monthly emergency boarding bill - £250 (unlimited)

Any other amount you like toward eb, vet's, petrol or a particular dog - you specify (unlimited)

Payments for them can be made by bacs, paypal or cheque.

When you purchase a gift from the Lifeline section, ALL the money goes to what you have paid for. The present recipient will then receive a gift card telling them about their gift and as there are no admin or postage fees what you pay for is exactly where the money goes.

So if you want to buy a present, here is what to do next:-

Select your gift(s) and have a look on the How to Pay section. Then, please email me at dcbalchin@aol.com with the following details:-

1. how you sent your payment; 2. What message you would like on your cards(s); 3. Who and where you would like the card(s) sent to

Payment Options

Thank you for your support.

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